I came across an exercise on freecodecamp that required writing a code that would return the factorial for a given integer and gave this example: For example: 5! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 = 120f.
I get how the math works but I couldn't really wrap my head around how to code it until I found something here, n stackoverflow, but without an explination of why it works, that resembled this:
function factorialize(num) {
if(num === 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return num * factorialize(num - 1);
I don't really understand how this is iterating through all the integers that are less than or equal to num. Can anybody help explain this to me?
It's a recursive function.
Calling factorialize with 5 does the following:
Is 5 equal to 0? No, so then:
return num * factorialize(num - 1);
Substituting 5 for num means it is actually returning:
5 * factorialize(5-1)
So we can simplify that to
5 * (factorialize(4))
Which then must call factorialize on the second half of the statement to computer the return value.
So you can imagine, factorialize is called again with num = 4. Since num is not equal to zero, it also returns the same num * factorialize(num-1)
. The original statement is now:
5 * (4 * factorialize(3))
and so it must call itself again... and again... until we have
5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 * factorialize(0)
which then actually returns a single number - this is called a base case so it doesn't infinitely recurse on itself. It returns 1.
Resulting in
5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 * 1
I would argue the base case should be if (num == 1). Either way it works
Edit based on comment: The 0 makes sense, it obviously now covers 0 factorial. Thanks! With the base case of num == 1 it would only work for factorialize with a parameter num > 0.