I read that in Java the long type can be promoted float and double ( http://www.javatpoint.com/method-overloading-in-java ). I wanted to ask that long integer takes 8 bytes of memory in JAVA and float takes 4 bytes then how this promotion works? Isn't it possible that we could be facing some data loss if we promote this way?
Also it is noticeable that all other type promotions are from smaller size primitive datatype to similar or larger size datatypes.
is represented in a different way than integral types. For further infos on the floating-type, read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-precision_floating-point_format . The content cooked down would look like this: the floating-point format consists of a sign-bit, 8 bits for the exponent and 23 bits for the fractional part of the value. The value is calculated like this: (-1)^signbit * 1.fractionalpart * 2 ^ (exponent - 127). Thus this algorithm allows representation of larger values than a 64bit integral type.