I'm currently running a ruby app with:
heroku scale web=0
heroku scale worker=1
I'd like to write a rake task that will run:
heroku scale worker=0
I'm thinking of something akin to:
task :scale_down => :environment do
heroku = Heroku::API.new
heroku.post_ps_scale('worker', 0)
but one problem is that my app doesn't have an environment since it's not a rails app. Is there a simple rake task that I can use to scale my worker to 0? Thanks!
task :scale_down do
heroku = Heroku::API.new(api_key: ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY'])
heroku.post_ps_scale(ENV['APP_NAME'], 'worker', 0)
This scales the app down to 0. May want to assign that number to a config var..