I have the following code
$.getJSON('http://www.mindicador.cl/api', function(data) {
var dailyIndicators = data;
$("<p>", {
html: 'UF : $' + dailyIndicators.uf.valor +
' DOLAR : $' + dailyIndicators.dolar.valor +
' EURO : $' + dailyIndicators.euro.valor
}).fail(function() {
console.log('Error al consumir la API!');
My website is https and the api website is http.
throws the following error in console navigator:
español: Se ha bloqueado la carga del contenido activo mixto "http://www.mindicador.cl/api"[Saber más]
in english should be so: blocked loading mixed active content "http://www.mindicador.cl/api"
How I can communicate with the API?
is possible?
Use Postman to debug AJAX calls to your API.
Using protocol-agnostic requests should fix the issue:
$.getJSON('//www.mindicador.cl/api', function(data) { ... });
Here is a complete description of your errror Why am I suddenly getting a "Blocked loading mixed active content" issue in Firefox?