I am trying to setup my jquery ui slider so that if my checkbox is not checked, it will have a step value of 0.1 or if the checkbox is checked then the step value is 1. I have very limited experience with jquery and am still learning so any help would be appreciated. Here is what I've tried so far. JSFIDDLE
//Setup for jquery ui slider
harmonicSlider = $("#harmonicSlider").slider({
value: 1,
min: 1,
max: 5,
step: 1,
//Updates the slider textbox with the current value of the slider.
slide: function(event, ui){
var harmonicSnap = $("harmonicSnap");
$(this).slider("option", "step", 1);
$(this).slider("option", "step", 0.1);
var stepping = $(this).slider('option', 'step');
console.log("Step: " + stepping);
//Gets the slider value after a change to the slider is made.
change: function (event, ui){
//Grabs the slider value and returns it.
function getSliderValue(slideVal){
console.log("Slider Value: " + slideVal);
//Sets the sliderValueBox to the current value of the slider.
function setSliderBoxValue(currentValue){
//Sets the step of the slider depending on if the harmonics checkbox is checked or not.
function setSliderIncrement(){
var harmonicSnap = document.getElementById("harmonicSnap");
//var slider = $("harmonicsSlider").slider();
$("harmonicsSlider").slider("option", "step", 1);
console.log("Step: " + $("harmonicsSlider").slider("option", "step").val());
$("harmonicsSlider").slider("option", "step", 0.1);
//step = $("harmonicsSlider").slider("option", "step");
console.log("Step: " + $("harmonicsSlider").slider("option", "step").val());
//Loads the harmonic slider selector and slider labels
function loadHarmonicSlider(){
var sliderValTextBox = $("sliderValueBox");
harmonicSlider.each(function() {
//Add labels to slider specified by the min, max, and step values
var options = $(this).data().uiSlider.options;
var values = options.max - options.min;
//Spacing for value labels
for(var i = 0; i <= values; i++){
var element = $("<label>" + (i + 1) + "</label>").css("left", (i / values * 100) + "%");
<div id="harmonicSliderLabel">n:</div>
<div id="harmonicSlider"></div>
<div id="sliderInputs">
<input type="text" id="sliderValueBox" value="1">
<input type="checkbox" id="harmonicSnap" value="Snap to harmonics" onchange="setSliderIncrement();" checked>Snap to harmonics
Your snap selector is wrong. You're missing the # char.
Also you should use harmonicSnap.is(":checked") to check if it's checked.
var harmonicSnap = $("#snap");
if (harmonicSnap.is(":checked")) {
$(this).slider("option", "step", 1);
} else {
$(this).slider("option", "step", 0.1);