Simple Question I think.
I got a Kendo Multiselect which is bound to an array of objects (contentLangs).
From backend I get an array of ints (AvailableLanguages
Now my problem is how to bind the values correctly.
Do I need a computed or something like this?
Thanks in advance!
<select data-bind="kendoMultiSelect: {
data: contentLangs ,
dataTextField: 'Name',
dataValueField: 'ID',
value: AvailableLanguages,
index: 0,
height: '500'
AvailableLanguages: [0,1]
var contentLangs = [
{ Name: "Deutsch", ID: "DE", Cls: "language-flag flag-de" },
{ Name: "Englisch", ID: "EN", Cls: "language-flag flag-en" },
{ Name: "Italienisch", ID: "IT", Cls: "language-flag flag-it" }
So you need to create your view model like so:
var viewModel = {
availableLanguages: ko.observable([0,1]),
contentLangs: [
{ Name: "Deutsch", ID: "DE", Cls: "language-flag flag-de" },
{ Name: "Englisch", ID: "EN", Cls: "language-flag flag-en" },
{ Name: "Italienisch", ID: "IT", Cls: "language-flag flag-it" }
doesn't need to be an observableArray unless it changes. availableLanguages
needs to be an observable because we need to update the viewModel when the selection changes.
Then you can bind the viewModel to the view using:
And the view would be:
<select data-bind="kendoMultiSelect: {
data: contentLangs,
dataTextField: 'Name',
dataValueField: 'ID',
value: availableLanguages,
index: 0,
height: '500'