I'm trying to find a way of calculating the mouse position from the center of an element.
I've got as far as e.pageX
and e.pageY
on the mouse over event, but I can't get my head around calculating its position relative to the elements center.
I can't think of the equation
You need to first get the object's center point, X & Y (objCenterX & objCenterY in the code, below), then subtract that from the mouse's current coordinates.
This should do it for you:
$("#test").mousemove(function (event) {
var objLeft = $("#test").offset().left;
var objTop = $("#test").offset().top;
var objCenterX = objLeft + $("#test").width() / 2;
var objCenterY = objTop + $("#test").height() / 2;
$("#results").text("Left:" + (event.pageX - objCenterX) + ", Top:" + (event.pageY - objCenterY));