I have a Spring RestController which works great when I GET
data from it, but when I try to PUT
the very same data, I get a 400 Bad Request
Here is the simplest version of my controller that should still work (I left out the GET
public class DisplayController {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = { "application/hal+json" })
public DisplayResource setDisplay(@PathVariable String name, @RequestBody DisplayResource display) {
return display;
This is the DisplayResource
public class DisplayResource extends ResourceSupport {
private List<Color> pixels;
public List<Color> getPixels() {
return pixels;
public void setPixels(List<Color> pixels) {
this.pixels = pixels;
I pretty much copied this code over from another branch, and there it works!
I can't figure it out!
Here's the GET
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { "application/hal+json" })
public DisplayResource getDisplay(@PathVariable String name) {
LEDStripDTO ledStripDTO;
try {
ledStripDTO = ledStripDTOService.getDTO(name);
} catch (IOException | NullPointerException exception) {
throw new LoadFailedException("Error loading LED strip:", exception);
Link self = linkTo(methodOn(DisplayController.class).getDisplay(name)).withSelfRel();
DisplayResource displayResource = new DisplayResource();
try {
} catch (IOException | TimeoutException | AlreadyConnectedException | NotConnectedException exception) {
throw new LoadFailedException("Error getting Information from LED strip:", exception);
return displayResource;
And a result it produces (for a LED strip of length 1):
"pixels": [
"red": 0,
"green": 16,
"blue": 0
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/configuration/ledstrips/devled/display"
When I send this, be it with or without the _links
segment, I get a 400
As it's a PUT
, you've defined a produces
but not a consumes
. It could be that the endpoint doesn't know what format to expect the body in, which is why it's rejecting it. Try:
Having looked at the source you've provided, I can see that the Color
class has a constructor that requires arguments. The default ObjectMapper
provided by the Jackson libraries won't be able to unmarshall a JSON string due to this constructor. Try adding a default constructor to the Color
class along side the current one:
public Color(int red, int green, int blue) {
this.red = setColorLimits(red);
this.green = setColorLimits(green);
this.blue = setColorLimits(blue);
public Color() {}