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Loop a Stylus command in Elixir

I have switchable themes and colors for my site, and I need Elixir/Gulp to render all the possible theme-color combinations as CSS files. Here's my gulpfile.js:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    notify = require('gulp-notify'),
    elixir = require('laravel-elixir'),
    stylus = require('laravel-elixir-stylus'),
    watch = require('gulp-watch');

var themes = [

var colors = [

    elixir.config.babel.enabled = false;

elixir(function(mix) {
    for(ti = 0; ti < themes.length; ++ti) {
        for(ci = 0; ci < colors.length; ++ci) {
            ], "public/css/"+themes[ti]+"."+colors[ci]+".css");

To me, it looks like this should run. I tested the loop, and I know it goes through every theme-color combination just fine.

However, when I run it, it creates a folder, inside of which are two files, main.styl and green.styl.

  1. How do I make this generate all of the Stylus commands, and not just the last one?
  2. How do I make it combine the results in a single file, and not two separate files in a folder?


  • Eventually ended up ditching Elixir altogether and just doing it in pure Gulp;

    gulp.task('styles', function(cb){
        async.each(themes, function(theme, done) {
            async.each(colors, function(color, next) {
                    .on("end", next);
            }, done);
        }, cb);