I'm facing problem with unwanted blank spaces between two text boxes in my SSRS report. first testbox contains sub header(left-aligned), "Summary". second text box contains comments. maximum limit is 10000 characters. When I googeld, I found the below calcualtions to consider. I corrected the values to satisfy the conditions. Still I'm facing problem. Please suggest me to fix this issue. Thanks in advance.
Note: text length in comments textbox is 5200charcters.
Page.Height >= Page.TopMargin
+ ReportHeader.Height (no header)
+ ReportBody.Height
+ ReportFooter.Height (no footer)
+ Page.BottomMargin
My page values 24>=1 + 20.57513 + 1
Page.Width >= Page.LeftMargin + ReportBody.Width + Page.RightMargin
My page values 15 >= 0.5 + 12.76427 + 0.5
It worked by Changing the property of textbox. Property:"KeepTogether", Value:False. It shown the paragraphs in pdf file as desired without any blank area.