I'm using the lodash includes
function to check if a target value exists in an array...
_.includes(array, target)
and was hoping to find a good equivalent in ES5 (or ES6)
Did I miss something? Is there no ES5 Array.prototype equivalent?
Or is my only option to use indexOf
ES2016: Array.prototype.includes()
[1, 2, 3].includes(2); // true
ES5: Array.prototype.indexOf()
>= 0
[2, 5, 9].indexOf(5) >= 0; // true
[2, 5, 9].indexOf(7) >= 0; // false
If you prefer a function:
function includes (array, element) { return array.indexOf(element) >= 0 }
and use it as:
includes([2, 5, 9], 5); // true