I have a problem with using the JSON data which is comming from a service. The backend is written in c# and the frontend in AngularJS.
I am not able to use the object as I want in the Angular controller.
So, here is my api restful service in C#
public IHttpActionResult GetEnvironment()
var env = new Environment(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Env"]);
return this.Ok(env);
Then, here is my angular service:
module.factory('Environment', [
function ($resource) {
return $resource('/MorpheusApi/v1/environment', {}, {
getEnv: {method: 'GET', isArray: false}
Then for testing purpose I created also this service:
module.factory('Env', [
function (Environment) {
return {
getEnv: function () {
var s = Environment.getEnv();
var e = angular.fromJson(s);
return e;
Then I would use it in controller like this:
$scope.envLocal = Env.getEnv();
Then in the ui, with this
<p>Environment Local: {{envLocal}}</p>
<p>Environment Local Env: {{envLocal.Env}}</p>
I am getting the following output, which is fine I think :)
Environment Local: {"Env":"testText"}
Environment Local Env: testText
But when I now want to let's say provide just the testText from the controller to the ui, I would do something like this:
var result = Env.getEnv();
$scope.envLocal = result.Env;
But this is then not working.. I tried it also with angular.toJson.. angular.fromJson, but I am not getting anything then in the UI.. Why? How can I use the object properly in the controller, for example if I want to use it in an if or whatever..
Is this even possible?
You can write your factory like this also so you don't need to write two different services.
module.factory('Environment', ['$resource',
function ($resource) {
var api = $resource('/MorpheusApi/:action/:subaction', {}, {
getEnv: {
method: 'GET',
params: {
action: "v1",
isArray: false
return {
getEnv: function () {
return api.getEnv().$promise;
After that You just need to inject this service into the controller and you can call function easily.
.then(function (response) {
//If you wants to perform any logic on response object then you can do here and after that you can assign to scope variable
// You can write this logic in service too
$scope.envLocal = response;
You can call the service just I stated above so as $resource is returning promise your scope object will set on successfully call of api and no need to call $scope.$apply()
Suppose you have two different like
You can configure two routes like this call the function as per your need.
module.factory('Environment', ['$resource',
function ($resource) {
var api = $resource('/MorpheusApi/:action/:subaction', {}, {
getEnv: {
method: 'GET',
params: {
action: "v1",
isArray: false
getEnvV2: {
method: 'GET',
params: {
action: "v2",
isArray: false
return {
getEnv: function () {
return api.getEnv().$promise;
getEnvV2: function () {
return api.getEnvV2().$promise;
For more information of configration and understanding you can read this Explanation of configration and working of $resource