In this example here at the bottom, there are exemplary l-values defined:
// lvalues:
int& foo();
foo() = 42; // ok, foo() is an lvalue
int* p1 = &foo(); // ok, foo() is an lvalue
I am not shure what foo()
is here? At first sight it looks like a function/method?
Is int& foo()
the same as int& foo;
But on the other hand, my compiler says
Error: 'foo' declared as reference but not initialized int & foo;
Same with the rvalues foobar()
// rvalues:
int foobar();
int j = 0;
j = foobar(); // ok, foobar() is an rvalue
int* p2 = &foobar(); // error, cannot take the address of an rvalue
Yes, it is "a function/method", returning a reference to an int. Or, more precisely, this is a declaration of such a function, not definition: it says that such function exists, but does not provide the actual code (because the code is not relevant for the example). Compare how you define functions in header files.
A possible example of code for a similar function:
int a, b;
int& foo(bool which) {
if (which) return a;
else return b;
foo(true) = 10; // works as a = 10;