I was trying to use a c library libwebsockets(https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets) for my c++ program. I followed the manual and it creates a visual studio solution and it works.
Since I am not used to develop a program on a windows 7 visual studio environment, I am not sure how library works. It looks like solution contains some test codes and core libraries.
In a windows7 environment, what is the best way to develop a C++ project using this this C library?
I am considering two ways which are:
Add the c projects on the c++ project
Add the c++ project on the c projects
Create two different Projects: One for the C lib and the other for your C++ Code. Then build the C Code into a *.lib File and add it to your C++ Project using this Answer: How to include libraries in Visual Studio 2012?
You can add both Projects into one Solution so they are easily accessible.