I have the following matrix displaying datas of the last 3 days:
date 05/07/2015 06/07/20145 07/07/215
number 151 42 84
The field number in each column is calculated using this:
What I want to do is a simple indicator (an Arrow going up or down) just by comparing the last two values of the matrix.
ie in this case: 84 > 42, I would have an Arrow going up.
If tomorrow I have this:
date 06/07/2015 07/07/20145 08/07/215
number 42 84 35
35 < 84, I would have an Arrow going down.
I am not sure wich value should I put in the Value property of the Indicator to get the last value and compare it to the second to last value...
Thanks for the help.
I'm not sure that you can reference specific indices from a column group.
If you can change the SQL and add a row number that always gives the same row numbers to the values you want to compare then you can do the following.
In this example I built a simple table, then grouped it by colGroup (which would be your dates) and added a row number based on the colGroup. NOTE: The ORDER clause on the ROW_NUMBER function is set to DESC so that no matter how many days you show, the report can always compare RowNum 1 with RowNum 2
First, create a report with a single matrix and a single dataset.
Query for Dataset:
CREATE TABLE #t (colGroup char(1), number int)
('A', 12),('A', 13),('A', 14)
, ('B', 15),('B', 16),('B', 17)
, ('C', 18),('C', 19),('C', 20)
colGroup, SUM(number) as TotalNumber
GROUP BY #t.colGroup
) x
Now create a report containing a single matrix. Drag the colGroup field to the Columns area Drag the TotalNumber field to the Data area
Now we'll add two columns, one to show the actual difference between the last two values (for illustration only) and another to show an indicator displaying >, = or <
Right-Click the column header of the column containing [colGroup] and do "Insert column" then "Outside Group - Right"
Repeat to create two columns
In the first of the new columns set the expression to this:
SUM(IIF(Fields!RowNum.Value=1, Fields!TotalNumber.Value, 0))-
SUM(IIF(Fields!RowNum.Value=2, Fields!TotalNumber.Value, 0))
In the second, set the expression to this:
SUM(IIF(Fields!RowNum.Value=1, Fields!TotalNumber.Value, 0))-
SUM(IIF(Fields!RowNum.Value=2, Fields!TotalNumber.Value, 0))>0 ,
">" ,
SUM(IIF(Fields!RowNum.Value=1, Fields!TotalNumber.Value, 0))-
SUM(IIF(Fields!RowNum.Value=2, Fields!TotalNumber.Value, 0))=0 ,
"=" ,
Run the report and you'll get the output you want (I hope!)
I would also suggest creating a function so you don't have to repeat al SUM(IIF.. code over and over but that's down to you.
Hope this helps.