I have the following xml that I would like to import into Excel using VBA
<rootElement xmlns:n0="http://www.w3.org/n0/" xmlns:n1="http://www.w3.org/n1/">
After reading in the file, the output in the Excel worksheet was
Identifier C D E
EMH38 WZFR8 Coll 1
X3HV7 Coll 2
X5E86 Coll 3
X5FC6 Coll
X5FL6 Coll 5
The preferred output after reading in the file would have to be the following. How can I make the Identifier appear on each row?
Identifier C D E
EMH38 WZFR8 Coll 1
EMH38 X3HV7 Coll 2
EMH38 X5E86 Coll 3
EMH38 X5FC6 Coll
EMH38 X5FL6 Coll 5
Here, my approach for your problem.
Public Sub readXML()
Dim xmlUrl As String
Dim xmlDoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim partner, elements, bNode, child As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
Dim row As Integer
'Get xml file path
xmlUrl = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test.xml"
xmlDoc.async = False
'If loading xml file has no error
If xmlDoc.Load(xmlUrl) Then
'Set start row of sheet
row = 1
'Get root element from xml document
Set elements = xmlDoc.DocumentElement
'Loop all child tags from "n0:Partner" tags
For Each partner In elements.ChildNodes
'Loop all child tags from 'n1:A' tags
For Each bNode In partner.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes
Sheets("sheetname").Range("A" & row) = partner.ChildNodes(0).Text
'Loop all child tags from from 'n1:B' tags
For Each child In bNode.ChildNodes
'Check node name and set value to cell
Select Case child.nodeName
Case "n1:C"
Sheets("sheetname").Range("C" & row) = child.Text
Case "n1:D"
Sheets("sheetname").Range("D" & row) = child.Text
Case "n1:E"
Sheets("sheetname").Range("E" & row) = child.Text
End Select
Next child
'Increase row
row = row + 1
Next bNode
Next partner
End If
End Sub