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How to hide times header of a timelineMonth view on Kendo UI Scheduler widget?

I'm trying to hide times header from a Kendo UI Scheduler widget but until now, I didn't achieved the results I need in my choosen type of view. I don't need times because all my events are all day events. Therefore, is there any way of not showing times such as 12:00 AM, 13:00 AM, etc...

I followed the documentation and if I put it in my script, the Scheduler doesn't show up anymore. Here're the scripts:

dataBinding: function(e) {
            var view = this.view();



dataBound: function(e) {
            var tables = $(".k-scheduler-times .k-scheduler-table");

            //Required: remove only last table in dataBound when grouped
            tables = tables.last();

            var rows = tables.find("tr");

            rows.each(function() {

Then, as an other alternative, I simply added this line of script into the views section:

minorTickCount: 0

All the rows with the 12:00 AM disappeared however, that made my Schedule complete obsolete because it erased all the cells of where events are showed.

Anyone ever encountered such an issue to overcome?


  • You could try this css:

    .k-scheduler-timelineWeekview > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) .k-scheduler-table tr:nth-child(2) {
        display: none;