My MessageBoxes
class has an argument passed in the constructor, I hope to know how can I specify the argument, which is std::string _content
in this context, in the CREATE_FUNC()
The error I get says "constructors cannot be declared 'static'"
This is the code of MessageBoxes.h:
class MessageBoxes : public cocos2d::Node
Sprite* _sprite;
bool _speaking;
float _speakingTime;
std::string _content;
CREATE_FUNC(MessageBoxes(std::string content));
virtual bool init(std::string _content);
void setSprite();
void setContent();
CREATE_FUNC is a predefined macros defined in CCPlatformMacros.h
#define CREATE_FUNC(__TYPE__) \
static __TYPE__* create() \
{ \
__TYPE__ *pRet = new(std::nothrow) __TYPE__(); \
if (pRet && pRet->init()) \
{ \
pRet->autorelease(); \
return pRet; \
} \
else \
{ \
delete pRet; \
pRet = NULL; \
return NULL; \
} \
the code
CREATE_FUNC(MessageBoxes(std::string content));
actually is
new(std::nothrow) MessageBoxes(std::string content)();
which has compile error in c++.
but you can write the create funtion similar to CREATE_FUNC by yourself, like
static MessageBoxes* create(std::string content) {
MessageBoxes* ret = new(std::nothrow) MessageBoxes();
if(ret && ret->init(content)) { //<----Or anything you wanna init with
return ret;
} else {
delete ret;
ret = nullptr;
return nullptr;