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Puppet Install Visual Studio Every Single Run

I want to install Visual studio using puppet but on every single puppet run, the setup installs VS over and over again.

package { 'Microsoft Visual Studio 2012':
       ensure => installed,
       source => '\\goliath\Users\DanishKhakwani\VisualStudio\Premium\vs_premium.exe',
       install_options => ['/SILENT', '/FULL'],


  • You need to make sure that the package name exactly matches the display name of Visual Studio.

    For posterity:

    The title (or name) of the package must match the value of the package’s DisplayName property in the registry, which is also the value displayed in the “Add/Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features” control panel.

    If the provided name and the installed name don’t match, Puppet will believe the package is not installed and try to install it again.