On the page 87 of the Game Boy CPU Manual it is claimed that the CP n
instruction sets the carry flag when there was no borrow and that it means that A < n
. This seems to conflict itself, because the carry flag is set when A > n
An example: If A=0
and B=1
, CP B
sets the flags like SUB A, B
, which is 0 - 1. This becomes 0 + 255 = 255 and the carry flag is not set, even though A < B
I came across this same issue in other Z80 documents as well, so I don't believe this is a typo.
Am I misunderstanding how borrow and SUB
work or is there something else going on? Is SUB
not equal to ADD
with two's complement in terms of flags?
The GameBoy CPU manual has it backwards. SUB
and CP
all set the carry flag when there is borrow. If SUB/SBC/CP A,n
is executed then carry is set if n > A
otherwise it is clear.
This is consistent with Z-80 (and 8080) operation. As well MAME and MESS implement carry the same way.