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Input Button Using Sliding Doors CSS

Designed specifically for input buttons such as <input type="submit" value="Button Name">, this round button style uses the sliding doors technique that's assembled from a single image.

Demo: Click to review the source code and demo the code in action
Demo: Click to see a video demo of the style in Mac browsers: Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera

This button style enables the following:

  • Resolves wide button issue for long button names for IE browsers.
  • Resolves an issue with IE browsers when the right sliding door piece would float on the page when the button is hidden server side.
  • Resolves fragmented text issue for IE browsers when scrolling down and then back up the page.
  • This is the perfect alternative for designers when you can't use the ASP .Net button control such as <asp:Button id="b1" Text="Submit" runat="server" /> in your code
  • Cross compatible for safari, ie, firefox, chrome and opera. watch video


  • I think you just need to change one pseudo-class.

    span.button input.form_button:hover {
      background-position:left -39px;

    Should be

    span.button:hover input.form_button {
      background-position:left -39px;

    Edit: It's line 52 of the demo source