I'm playing with some responsive design that have two breakpoints defined:
Mobile > max-width 320px
Tablet portrait > max-width 767px
On desktop I have a lot of animation + advanced functionality going on with Javascript. On mobile and tablet im looking to simplify and disable both some JS + "re-building" some DOM elements.
Im wondering what the most efficient way to determine certain breakpoints (in terms of width) would be? Im thinking a lot about performance here.
I know I can simply check for the window width upon re-size with something like:
$( window ).resize(function() {
if ($(window).width() > 320 && $(window).width() < 400) {
if ($(window).width() > 401 && $(window).width() < 768) {
if ($(window).width() > 769) {
But that seems like a very "expensive" operation?
Any suggestions to lightweight libraries that can be used for this is also very welcome!
I often ran into this problem and have not found the perfect solution. However, there is a workaround that seems less resource hungry. By using a timeout inside your resize()
function and constantly clearing it, you can make sure that your code is only run, once the viewport has stopped resizing.
var resizeTimer, width;
var mobile = tablet = desktop = false;
$(window).resize(function() {
// clear the timeout
// execute breakpointChange() once the viewport
// has stopped changing in size for 400ms
resizeTimer = setTimeout(breakpointChange(), 400);
function breakpointChange() {
// use vanillajs window.innerWidth
// instead of jQuery $(window).width() as suggested by simon
width = window.innerWidth;
if (!mobile && width < 400) {
tablet = desktop = false;
mobile = true;
console.log('is mobile');
if (!tablet && width > 401 && width < 768) {
mobile = desktop = false;
tablet = true;
console.log('is tablet');
if (!desktop && width > 769) {
mobile = tablet = false;
desktop = true;
console.log('is desktop');
This is certainly not the best one can do, but it will prevent that your code is constantly being run. Feel free to add to my answer and/or correct me. Here is a fiddle