I am stuck in json data extraction in pebble.
var UI = require('ui');
var ajax = require('ajax');
var URL="http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getTopArtists&user=test&api_key=4a9f5581a9cdf20a699f540ac52a95c9&limit=10&format=json&callback=?";
var card = new UI.Card({
title:'last.fm stat',
ajax({ url: URL }, function(data){
var topArtist=data.topartists[0].artist.name;
Here's the error I get:
[INFO] ocess_manager.c:368: Heap Usage for App <lastfm sta: Total Size <48584B> Used <6256B> Still allocated <28B>
[PHONE] pebble-app.js:?: (+) [card 1] : [card 1]
[PHONE] pebble-app.js:?: JavaScript Error:
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at pebble-js-app.js:123:32
at pebble-js-app.js:871:17
at req.onreadystatechange (lib/ajax.js:11
Evening Mona,
Remove the question mark at the URL's end.
Remove the card.show()
instruction where you put it, and place it after adding a subtitle to it.
And your final code should now look like this:
var UI = require('ui');
var ajax = require('ajax');
var URL="http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getTopArtists&user=test&api_key=4a9f5581a9cdf20a699f540ac52a95c9&limit=10&format=json&callback=";
var card = new UI.Card({
title:'last.fm stat',
ajax({ url: URL, type: 'json' }, function(data) {
var topArtist = data.topartists.artist[0].name;
It should now run perfectly. :)
Also, you should add a failure callback in your ajax method:
ajax({object}, success, failure)