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Suspicious code. The result of the 'getprop' operator is not being used warning GOOGLE CLOSURE

I am using google closure and have defined few variables. Only in the constructor am I defining their values. While compiling the the code I get the error

javascript/model/errorLogger.js:42: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getprop' operator is not being used.
==> default: [WARNING] model.ErrorLogger.prototype.errors;

This is the code.


 * @constructor
model.ErrorLogger = function() {
    this.errors  =[];
    this.errorsHash = {};


Why is this warning coming ? Should I mention the typedef annotation ?


  • These lines:


    have no effect - you're just referencing the properties without doing anything with them. That's what it's warning you about - it thinks you meant to assign them to something, or pass them to a function, or anything that has some effect.

    (Also, those properties won't even exist in that form - it's really not clear what you're trying to do here.)