I'm using the Start-BitsTransfer
command to download remote resources in powershell scripts.
However, it seems that the command does not take the correct filename when the url is a short url.
For example, these url: http://ligman.me/1IW1oab
redirect actually to http://download.microsoft.com/DOWNLOAD/D/6/7/D670D322-5771-409E-BF34-5B98496DEB0A/MICROSOFT_PRESS_EBOOK_INTRODUCING_AZURE_PDF.PDF
(HTTP 301 response).
But when I execute
Start-BitsTransfer http://ligman.me/1IW1oab
The result filename is 1IW1oab
Is there a way to use this command and the obtain the right filename?
Simply using the command no but you can resolve before the shot url in this way:
$url = 'http://ligman.me/1IW1oab'
$WebClientObject = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$WebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::create($URL)
$WebResponse = $WebRequest.GetResponse()
$ActualDownloadURL = $WebResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri
$ObjectProperties = @{ 'Shortened URL' = $URL;
'Actual URL' = $ActualDownloadURL}
$ResultsObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties
$ResultsObject.'Actual URL'