I have one Transaction controller which has one http request in my Jmeter test plan. Transaction name and url comes from CSV file. At the end total execution is divided into 5 different transactions.
Testplan -Thread Group - User defined variable
Total sample execution will be 8000-10000. Now what i want, if total sample failures reached to 100, my JMeter test should stop test execution.
I have added User defined variable name "thread" and with value "0". I have added below code in Beanshell Post-Processor
int count= Integer.parseInt(vars.get("thread"));
if (prev.getErrorCount()==1){
if (count==100){
System.out.println("Reached to max number of errors in load test, stopping test");
log.info ("Reached to max number of errors in load test, stopping test");
Somehow code is not working as expected. When error count reach to 100, Jmeter test is not getting stopped. Test is stopped when error count reached to 130. I am not sure who to fix above code.
Can someone please let me know what is issue in above code?
Variables are specific to 1 thread while Properties are shared by all threads.
Ensure you synchronize access
Another option is to use a custom java class as a Singleton and increment its value.
Here an example implementation using Beanshell (Prefer JSR223 + Groovy for performances):
setupThreadGroup that resets the counter on test start:
BeanshellPostProcessor that updates counter:
Note that as you call setStopTestNow, test threads are interrupted but do not stop exactly at this time unless you have some timer (which is usually the case)