Here is a sample WiFi ssid I have extracted from an Android "wifi config file" (wpa_supplicant.conf
I'm trying to display all the ssid's in the file, most are okay as they are normal strings wrapped in quotes, for example,
However, some entries just wanted to be different and special, for example,
Now, the question is, how do I convert it back to a readable string (preferably in JS)? I suspect the encoding was wrong (it displays correctly on a native device though.)
Apparently the string is in hex unencoded. By turning it back to binary following by some string manipulation, I am able to encode it back to the readable form.
function HextoUTF8(txt) {
function HexStringToBytes(str) {
if (str.length % 2) throw TypeError("Not a valid length");
return [], function(e) {
return ("000" + parseInt(e, 16).toString(2)).slice(-4);
function BytesToUTF8(bytes) {
var inExpectationMode = false,
itr = new Iterator(bytes),
availableBitsTable = {
"1": -7,
"2": -5,
"3": -4,
"4": -3
expectingBitsLeft = 0,
currectCharacter = "",
result = "";
while (byte =, !byte.ended) {
byte = byte.value;
if (inExpectationMode) {
currectCharacter += byte.slice(-6);
} else {
//First in sequence
expectingBitsLeft = determineSequenceLength(byte);
currectCharacter += byte.slice(availableBitsTable[expectingBitsLeft]);
inExpectationMode = true;
if (!expectingBitsLeft) {
inExpectationMode = false;
result += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(currectCharacter, 2));
currectCharacter = "";
return result;
function determineSequenceLength(byte) {
if (byte[0] === "0") return 1;
else if (byte.slice(0, 3) === "110") return 2;
else if (byte.slice(0, 4) === "1110") return 3;
else if (byte.slice(0, 5) === "11110") return 4;
function Iterator(array) {
if (this === window) throw TypeError("This is a class");
if (!Array.isArray(array)) throw TypeError("An array is required");
this.i = -1;
this.ended = !array.length;
this.array = function() {
return array;
} = function() {
if (this.ended || ++this.i == this.array().length) {
this.ended = true;
return {
ended: true
} else {
return {
ended: this.ended,
value: this.array()[this.i]
return BytesToUTF8(HexStringToBytes(txt));
Optimally I should be doing bit manipulation instead, but whatever, it works,
> HextoUTF8("e299aa20e6b7a1e5ae9ae69c89e98ca2e589a920e299ab");
> "♪ 淡定有錢剩 ♫"