Can I ask what the <>
is for in adjacency_list<>
? I am new to stl. I know I can define a container like this: vector<int> vec
, but why here it is empty in <>
? Thank you.
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
using namespace boost;
adjacency_list<> g;
// adds four vertices to the graph
adjacency_list<>::vertex_descriptor v1 = add_vertex(g);
adjacency_list<>::vertex_descriptor v2 = add_vertex(g);
adjacency_list<>::vertex_descriptor v3 = add_vertex(g);
adjacency_list<>::vertex_descriptor v4 = add_vertex(g);
It's because adjacency_list
is a templated type. You must specify <>
when using C++ templates.
The full definition for the type is:
template <class OutEdgeListS = vecS,
class VertexListS = vecS,
class DirectedS = directedS,
class VertexProperty = no_property,
class EdgeProperty = no_property,
class GraphProperty = no_property,
class EdgeListS = listS>
class adjacency_list
Notice that each template parameter has a default: vecS
, vecS
, directedS
, no_property
, no_property
, no_property
, listS
, respectively.
The empty <>
means you want the default classes for the template parameters. By not specifying the specific values for the template parameters, you get the defaults.
The reason <>
is needed, and can't be left out (which would be nice, yes) is because of the way the C++ language has been defined. You can avoid it by using a typedef
, but ultimately the angle brackets are required for using template types.