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Parse related Error while building Unity project for iOS (Culture name neutral is not supported)

I've been trying to build my game for iOS for a week now and figured I'd just ask for help. I've got it working on Android and Windows Phone.

Details: Version : Unity 5.1.1p2

I'm building a Development build from Unity with Script debugging turned on.

Scripting backend : IL2Cpp
Architection: Universal
SDK Version: Simulator SDK

Xcode version 6.3.2
iOS deployment target 7.1
iPhone Simulator SDK 8.3

Parse version: 1.5.2

The application builds fine. But once it starts running on the simulator, it breaks with an Il2CppExceptionWrapper:

From the stack, I can tell that this breaks during ParseInitializeBehavior. Here's what I see in the stack trace, outer to inner:

  1. ParseInitializeBehavior_Awake
  2. ParseInitializeBehavior_Initialize
  3. ParseClient
  4. ParseClient_get_Version()
  5. ParseName --- in this function the value for ___assemblyName is : Parse.Unity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  6. CultureInfo_CreateCulture (name = "neutral")
  7. CultureInfo_ctor
  8. CultureInfo_ConstructInternalLocaleFromName

Raises "Culture name neutral is not supported"


  • Answering my own question because this problem went away.

    The issue appears fixed in Parse 1.5.3 for Unity.