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Problems checking if string is quoted and adding quotes to string

I am trying to check if a string is quoted by checking the first and last characters of the string. But my script fails when checking for the quote see output: AND was unexpected at this time. below.


@echo off

set mystring=Non quoted string

set myquotedstring=^"My quoted string^"

echo mystring: %mystring%

echo myquotedstring: %myquotedstring%

set result=%mystring:~0,1%

echo first character of non quoted string is: %result%

set result=%mystring:~-1%

echo last character of non quoted string is: %result%

if %mystring:~0,1%u==^" AND %mystring:~-1%==^" (
   echo this string is NOT quoted
   set newstring=^"Non quoted string^"
   echo newstring: %newstring%

set result=%myquotedstring:~0,1%

echo first character of quoted string is: %result%

set result=%myquotedstring:~-1%

echo last character of quoted string is: %result%

if %myquotedstring:~0,1%u==^" AND %myquotedstring:~-1%==^" (
   echo this string is quoted

This is the output I am getting

mystring: Non quoted string
myquotedstring: "My quoted string"
first character of non quoted string is: N
last character of non quoted string is: g
this string is NOT quoted
newstring: "Non quoted string"
first character of quoted string is: "
last character of quoted string is: "
AND was unexpected at this time.


I realise now I cannot use AND. But even if I remove I have a problem.


if %mystring:~0,1%u==^" if %myquotedstring:~-1%==^" (
   echo this string is NOT quoted
   set newstring=^"Non quoted string^"
   echo newstring: %newstring%

I get

The syntax of the command is incorrect.


  • @echo off
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    set mystring=Non quoted string
    echo %mystring%
    if !mystring:~0^,1!!mystring:~-1! equ "" (
       echo -^> String is quoted
    ) else (
       echo -^> String not quoted
       set newstring="%mystring%"
       echo New string: !newstring!
    set mystring="My quoted string"
    echo %mystring%
    if !mystring:~0^,1!!mystring:~-1! equ "" (
       echo -^> String is quoted
    ) else (
       echo -^> String not quoted
       set newstring="%mystring%"
       echo New string: !newstring!