I am trying to flip bits of a number using the unary operator ~ in C but the function seems to be returning nothing. The code i have made is as follows:
int flipBits(int n) {
return ~n;
void convertbinary(int n)
int main()
int n=21;
int x=flipBits(n);
The output for the above code is nothing. It return -22. What i am trying to accomplish eventually is to change the MSB of a given number to 0. The solution i came up with was
So, basically XOR-ing the number with its inverse to get all 1's and then right shifting to make the MSB 0 and AND-ing with the original number to make the MSB of the oriiginal number 0. For example
if n=21 i.e. 10101; ~n=01010; n^~n=11111; (n^~n)>>1 = 01111; n&&((n^~n)>>1)=00101
Please correct me if i am doing anything wrong. Thank you.
The code doesn't print anything because the negation of 21 is a negative number.
21 = 0000000...010101
Flipping every bit yields:
So, the loop condition (n > 0
) is never true. You probably want while (n != 0)
void convertbinary(int n)
while (n != 0)
Or you can keep using n > 0
and make n
an unsigned