I wish to save a random Vim dictionnary, let's say:
let dico = {'a' : [[1,2], [3]], 'b' : {'in': "str", 'out' : 51}}
to a file. Is there a clever way to do this? Something I could use like:
call SaveVariable(dico, "safe.vimData")
let recover = ReadVariable("safe.vimData")
Or should I build something myself with only textfiles?
Thanks to VanLaser (cheers), I've been able to implement these functions using string
, writefile
and readfile
. This is not binary serialization but it works well :)
function! SaveVariable(var, file)
" turn the var to a string that vimscript understands
let serialized = string(a:var)
" dump this string to a file
call writefile([serialized], a:file)
function! ReadVariable(file)
" retrieve string from the file
let serialized = readfile(a:file)[0]
" turn it back to a vimscript variable
execute "let result = " . serialized
return result
Use them this way:
call SaveVariable(anyvar, "safe.vimData")
let restore = ReadVariable("safe.vimData")