Class A has a method, getId(), which returns a String.
Class B has a method, getCollection(), that returns a Collection (the order is undefined)
I want my test to validate that the returned collection contains instances of A, who each return expected values for getId()
public interface A {
String getId ();
public interface B {
Collection<A> getCollection ();
public class BTest {
public void test () {
B b = ( ... )
Collection<A> collection = b.getCollection();
assertEquals(3, collection.size());
String expId1 = "id1";
String expId2 = "id2";
String expId3 = "id3";
// There should be 3 A's in this collection, each returning
// one of the expected values in their getId()
I can only think of something that would be really inelegant here. I'm currently using JUnit/Hamcrest/Mockito. If the nicest solution means library, that's not a problem
Java-8 solution, is it enough elegant?
public class BTest {
public void test () {
B b = ( ... )
Set<String> expectIds = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("id1","id2","id3"));
Collection<A> collection = b.getCollection();
Set<String> ids =>a.getId()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
assertEquals(3, collection.size());
assertEquals(expectIds, ids);
public class BTest {
public void test () {
B b = ( ... )
Collection<A> collection = b.getCollection();
assertEquals(3, collection.size());