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Enum class bitmasks used in template constexpr method

I have the following C++11 code in my microcontroller project:

template<std::uint32_t... I>
struct mask_or;

struct mask_or<> {
    static constexpr std::uint32_t value = 0;

template<std::uint32_t first, std::uint32_t... rest>
struct mask_or<first, rest...> {
    static constexpr std::uint32_t value = first | mask_or<rest...>::value;

This works fine, and allows me to pass a variable amount of uint32_t's as template arguments. The compiler will then OR all of them and substitute each call to a constant value. For the microcontroller, this is ideal because it does not have to do OR operations before assigning to the register.

For some cases, I want to use an enum class like below as values:

enum class gpiopin : std::uint32_t {
    p0 = GPIO_IDR_IDR_0, // 0x00000001
    p14 = GPIO_IDR_IDR_14, // 0x00004000
    p15 = GPIO_IDR_IDR_15 // 0x00008000

As I have multiple of these enum classes, I am looking for a generic way of using the enum class values in the above mask_or code. In summary, I want to be able to do this:

SFR = mask_or<gpiopin::p1, gpiopin::p14>::value;

Ideally, I would like the mask_or<...>::value to be constexpr to keep the code size low and speed high.

I feel like this should be possible, but I cannot seem to make it work. Can anyone help me?


  • You could use something like this:

    template<typename E, E... I>
    struct mask_or;
    template<typename E>
    struct mask_or<E> {
        static constexpr E value = E(0);
    template<typename E, E first, E... rest>
    struct mask_or<E, first, rest...> {
        using UT = typename std::underlying_type<E>::type;
        static constexpr E value = E(UT(first) | UT(mask_or<E, rest...>::value));

    but this is still not optimal, since you now need to add the type as the first parameter:

    mask_or<gpiopin, gpiopin::p0, gpiopin::p14>::value

    Live example

    It would be much easier to simply overload operator|:

    template<typename> struct is_bitmask : std::false_type {};
    template<typename E>
    typename std::enable_if<is_bitmask<E>::value, E>::type
    operator|( const E lhs, const E rhs )
        using UT = typename std::underlying_type<E>::type;
        return E(UT(lhs) | UT(rhs));

    and register your type for the operator with

    template<> struct is_bitmask<gpiopin> : std::true_type {};

    with this, you can use

    gpiopin::p0 | gpiopin::p14

    Live example