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How does a failed static_assert work in an if constexpr (false) block?

P0292R1 constexpr if has been included, on track for C++17. It seems useful (and can replace use of SFINAE), but a comment regarding static_assert being ill-formed, no diagnostic required in the false branch scares me:

Disarming static_assert declarations in the non-taken branch of a
constexpr if is not proposed.

void f() {
  if constexpr (false)
    static_assert(false);   // ill-formed

template<class T>
void g() {
  if constexpr (false)
    static_assert(false);   // ill-formed; no 
               // diagnostic required for template definition

I take it that it's completely forbidden to use static_assert inside constexpr if (at least the false / non-taken branch, but that in practice means it's not a safe or useful thing to do).

How does this come about from the standard text? I find no mentioning of static_assert in the proposal wording, and C++14 constexpr functions do allow static_assert (details at cppreference: constexpr).

Is it hiding in this new sentence (after 6.4.1) ? :

When a constexpr if statement appears in a templated entity, during an instantiation of the enclosing template or generic lambda, a discarded statement is not instantiated.

From there on, I assume that it is also forbidden, no diagnostic required, to call other constexpr (template) functions which somewhere down the call graph may call static_assert.

Bottom line:

If my understanding is correct, doesn't that put a quite hard limit on the safety and usefulness of constexpr if as we would have to know (from documentation or code inspection) about any use of static_assert? Are my worries misplaced?


This code compiles without warning (clang head 3.9.0) but is to my understanding ill-formed, no diagnostic required. Valid or not?

template< typename T>
constexpr void other_library_foo(){

template<class T>
void g() {
  if constexpr (false)

int main(){


  • This is talking about a well-established rule for templates - the same rule that allows compilers to diagnose template<class> void f() { return 1; }. [temp.res]/8 with the new change bolded:

    The program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required, if:

    • no valid specialization can be generated for a template or a substatement of a constexpr if statement ([stmt.if]) within a template and the template is not instantiated, or
    • [...]

    No valid specialization can be generated for a template containing static_assert whose condition is nondependent and evaluates to false, so the program is ill-formed NDR.

    static_asserts with a dependent condition that can evaluate to true for at least one type are not affected.