I've got a simple express app that looks like this:
var SendMandrillTemplate = require('send-mandrill-template');
var sendMandrillTemplate = new SendMandrillTemplate('api-key-goes-here');
var app = require('express')();
app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
'email@here.com', {
value: 123
function(err) {
if (err) {
res.send('ERR - ', err)
} else
module.exports = app;
I export the app object, so I can mount this in a separate server.js
like this -
var app = require('./app')
app.listen(1234, function() {
console.log('Running on port 1234');
This is to enable me to use supertest a bit easier.
Here's my test so far:
var app = require('./app')
var request = require('supertest')
var SendMandrillTemplate = require('send-mandrill-template');
describe('GET /', function() {
var sendTemplateStub;
before(function() {
//I think i need to setup a spy on the created instance of SendMandrillTemplate.sendTemplate
//sendTemplateStub = //?
it('calls sendTemplate on sendMandrillTemplate instance', function(done) {
.end(function(err, res) {
if (err) throw err;
//assert sendTemplateStub was called with 'template-name-goes-here'
As you can see, I'm having trouble stubbing the SendMandrillTemplate constructor
If I wasn't newing up an instance of SendMandrillTemplate
I could do something like:
sendTemplateStub = sinon.stub(SendMandrillTemplate, 'sendTemplate')
But of course, in this scenario this won't work...
You can get away with something as simple as
var SendMandrillTemplate = require('send-mandrill-template');
sinon.stub(SendMandrillTemplate.prototype, 'sendTemplate');