I am trying to write text labels on a graph view representing a variety of data points (imagine a line graph in Excel).
I select a data set using a tableView. Each time a select a new data set the graph is redrawn.
I can draw the line graph using a custom view. No problems.
I can draw the text labels using the following function called from drawRect()
func drawDataPointLabels(size: CGSize) { //size is the view.bounds
var dataLabelsArray: [(NSColor, String, NSRect)] = []
// graphDetails contain an array of tuples [(), (), (), ()] - this represents one graph type = eg Monthly Fees ** there will be a maximum of 12 items in the array
for graphDetails in graphDetailsArray {
// each dataPoint object is a tuple (graphType: columnLabel: columnColor: columnHeight: columnNumber: ) representing one dataPoint
for dataPoint in graphDetails {
let graphHeight = size.height / 2
let graphWidth = size.width - graphOrigin.x - rightMargin
let columnAndGapSize = graphWidth / 25
let labelX: CGFloat = (graphOrigin.x + columnAndGapSize) + (columnAndGapSize * dataPoint.columnNumber) * 2
let labelY: CGFloat = dataPoint.columnHeight * (graphHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin)
// determine the location and frame for the text label to match dataPoint
let textFrame = NSRect(x: labelX, y: labelY, width: 30, height: 10)
let dataPointTuple = (dataPoint.columnColor, dataPoint.columnLabel, textFrame)
for dataPoint in dataLabelsArray {
let (color, label, frameRect) = dataPoint
let lblDataPoint = NSTextField(frame: frameRect)
lblDataPoint.stringValue = label
lblDataPoint.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
lblDataPoint.textColor = color
However, I can not work out how to remove the data labels when the view is updated and a new data set presented. The graph redraws but the text labels remain from the previous data set.
Adding the following code to the top of the function has solved the issue for me.
let subViewsToRemove = self.subviews
for object in subViewsToRemove {