I had the following code working fine in a PCL with TargetFrameworkVersion of 4.0 and TargetFrameworkProfile of Profile104.
public class AppCapabilitiesRepository : IAppCapabilityRepository
private readonly Type _typeOfAppCapability = typeof (IAppCapability);
public IList<IAppCapability> GetCapabilities()
var capabilities = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(IsAppCapability).ToArray();
var viewModels = capabilities.Select(capability => ((IAppCapability)Activator.CreateInstance(capability)))
.Where(c => c.IsActive)
.OrderBy(c => c.Popularity).ToList();
return viewModels;
private bool IsAppCapability(Type type)
return _typeOfAppCapability.IsAssignableFrom(type) && !type.IsAbstract && !type.IsInterface;
After upgrading the project to TargetFrameworkVersion of 4.5 and TargetFrameworkProfile of Profile259, these reflection APIs no longer can be found:
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly, Type.IsAbstract and Type.IsInterface.
This solution is also using MvvmCross 3.5.1 if this matters.
What do I do now?
Thanks to Stuart for the tip. API changes I needed to do are as follows:
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly => this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly
Type.IsAbstract => TypeInfo.IsAbstract where TypeInfo.GetTypeInfo()
Type.IsInterface => TypeInfo.IsInterface where TypeInfo = Type.GetTypeInfo()
Modified code is as follows:
public class AppCapabilitiesRepository : IAppCapabilityRepository
private readonly Type _typeOfAppCapability = typeof (IAppCapability);
public IList<IAppCapability> GetCapabilities()
var capabilities = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetTypes().Where(IsAppCapability).ToArray();
var viewModels = capabilities.Select(capability => ((IAppCapability)Activator.CreateInstance(capability)))
.Where(c => c.IsActive)
.OrderBy(c => c.Popularity).ToList();
return viewModels;
private bool IsAppCapability(Type type)
var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
return _typeOfAppCapability.IsAssignableFrom(type) && !typeInfo.IsAbstract && !typeInfo.IsInterface;
Some laws are being violated here but .....
Hope this helps others.