I think I've found a defect with the way Handsontable formats numeric inputs as percentages (or alternatively accepts invalid input depending on your position on what a valid number is).
If you use a leading decimal point decimal point - the percentage formatting will not work - but the input is accepted as a valid string. This is not consistent with numeral.js where the following input is correctly converted (doc suggests numeral formatting should work):
var string = numeral(.001).format('0,0.00000%');
// outputs 0.1000%
The only way I have found to fix this is to add a beforeChanged event so that it calls parseFloat on the value before any further events are fired. I have a feeling this will slow things down when copy large amounts of data. Can anyone confirm this is a defect or I am configuring things incorrectly?
JS Fiddle is below taken from the Handsontable page - remove the commented out beforeChange to see the fix with a beforeChange event. Simply type in any number number starting with a decimal point.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
function getCarData() {
return [{
car: "Mercedes A 160",
year: 2011,
price_usd: 7000,
price_eur: 7000
}, {
car: "Citroen C4 Coupe",
year: 2012,
price_usd: 8330,
price_eur: 8330
}, {
car: "Audi A4 Avant",
year: 2013,
price_usd: 33900,
price_eur: 33900
}, {
car: "Opel Astra",
year: 2014,
price_usd: 5000,
price_eur: 5000
}, {
car: "BMW 320i Coupe",
year: 2015,
price_usd: 30500,
price_eur: 30500
container = document.getElementById('example1'),
hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: getCarData(),
colHeaders: ['Car', 'Year', 'Price ($)', 'Price (€)'],
columns: [{
data: 'car'
// 1nd column is simple text, no special options here
}, {
data: 'year',
type: 'numeric'
}, {
data: 'price_usd',
type: 'numeric',
format: '$0,0.00',
language: 'en' // this is the default locale, set up for USD
}, {
data: 'price_eur',
type: 'numeric',
format: '0,0.00 $',
language: 'de' // i18n: use this for EUR (German)
// more locales available on numeraljs.com
function(changes, source) {
function bindDumpButton() {
if (typeof Handsontable === "undefined") {
Handsontable.Dom.addEvent(document.body, 'click', function (e) {
var element = e.target || e.srcElement;
if (element.nodeName == "BUTTON" && element.name == 'dump') {
var name = element.getAttribute('data-dump');
var instance = element.getAttribute('data-instance');
var hot = window[instance];
console.log('data of ' + name, hot.getData());
Posted here: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/2430, but might as well post here as well:
I believe the problem is in the numericRenderer [in handsontable.full.js] where it checks if (helper.isNumeric(value)) before applying the formatting. This statement evaluates to false if value contains a leading decimal (".3" for instance). So, you can solve this issue by adding a leading zero:
(helper.isNumeric('0' + value)) evaluates to true for leading decimals but will still evaluate to false for non-numerals ("0.abaca").