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PathVariables in Spring WebSockets @SubscribeMapping not working

I am trying to something similar to this "Path variables in Spring WebSockets @SendTo mapping" But I want to send a table name as additional information to @SubscribeMapping("/topic/data"). "tablename" can be anything based on my need(what I want to set), it should concatenate @SubscribeMapping("/topic/data/{tablename}") and on the server side, I would like to access the tablename to get the data from the database. I have tried the solution mentioned in the above post lien @DestinationVariable but I think I am missing something.


  • on the server side :

     public JSONObject getViewSchema(@DestinationVariable String tablename) throws Exception
         DataManager manager = new DataManager();
         return manager.getViewJSONSchema(tablename);

    On the client side
