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.NET saving to DB truncates my decimals instead of rounds them.. what could be possible problems?

I'm not using the entity framework, but I am using the Microsoft Enterprise Library.

I have a value like: 1.125979843654984 that gets truncated to 1.125, instead of rounded to 1.126.

The precision of the column this value is in is Decimal(5,3).

What are some reasons that this could happen?

Is there any other information I could provide to help?

I'm new to .NET.

Update 1

  • Add relevant code

The code that invokes the saving process:

Dim dsCalcGroupByBand As New DataSet
dsCalcGroupByBand.Tables(0).TableName = "Table"
Dal.SaveGridDataSet(dsCalcGroupByBand, "Select * from tblLTDCalcGroupByBand where iGroupKY=" & GroupData.GroupNo, False, False)

The method method in the variable Dal:

Public Function SaveGridDataSet(ByVal pDS As DataSet, ByVal pSQL As String, _
    Optional ByVal pCheckIsNewGroup As Boolean = True, _
    Optional ByVal pForceAsNewGroup As Boolean = False, _
    Optional ByVal pSQLDelete As String = "") As Boolean

  Dim DA As New SqlDataAdapter
  Dim commandBuilder As SqlCommandBuilder
  Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter
  Dim updatedRows As Integer

  Using connection As SqlConnection = _database.CreateConnection()

      If ((pCheckIsNewGroup = True) And (GroupData.isNewGroup = True)) Or _
      (pForceAsNewGroup = True) Then
        pDS = IsNewGroup(pDS)
      End If
      DA = New SqlDataAdapter(pSQL, connection) '_database.GetDataAdapter
      ' Make the CommandBuilder generate the insert, update, and delete commands.
      commandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(DA)

      ' Save the changes.

    Catch e As InvalidOperationException
        ' it's horrible to run code, in here, but there need to be tests
        ' implemented before modifying the above code.
        adapter = New SqlDataAdapter(pSQL, connection)
        commandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(adapter)
        'adapter.SelectCommand = commandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand
        updatedRows = adapter.Update(pDS)
      Catch ee As DBConcurrencyException
        ' there was no change (data already exists, no need to update)
        Console.WriteLine("no data written")
      End Try

    Catch e As DBConcurrencyException

      ' Delete the current records using the optional delete pSQLDelete
      If pSQLDelete = "" Then
        pSQLDelete = pSQL.Replace("Select *", "Delete")
      End If

      ' Now Create the dataset as if a new group and try the update again
    Catch e As Exception

      Console.WriteLine("Un-mitigated exception")
    End Try

  End Using

End Function
  • Disclaimer to the above code snippets: They both came from legacy code.

Using the above decimals for an example: in the dtCalcGroupByBand DataTable, there exists a row a field of value 1.125979843654984 corresponding to a column in the database of datatype Decimal(5,3) -- however, the particular corresponding DataColumn object is of datatype System.Decimal - which could be where the problem is coming from? perhaps?

Anyway, once saved, (after calling Dal.SaveGridDataSet(...)), I look up the value in the table, and it shows 1.125 (truncated) instead of 1.126 (rounded)

Update 2

Using the Microsoft Enterprise Library (or some other OO way of accessing a database), how do I retrieve a column's precision?


  • I fixed my issue loading the whole schema on app startup, and then referencing the column information from the schema as I needed it.

    Hopefully other people don't have to search as long as I did to solve this.


    ' in whatever class you do your database communication:
    Private _database As SqlDatabase
    Private Shared _schema As DataTable
    Sub New()
      ' or however you handle the connection string / database creation
      Dim connectionString as String = GetConnectionString()
      _database = New SqlDatabase(connectionString)
    End Sub
    Private Function RetrieveSchema() as DataTable
      If _schema Is Nothing Then
        Using connection As SqlConnection = _database.CreateConnection()
          _schema = connection.GetSchema("Columns")
        End Using
      End If
      return _schema
    End Function
    Public Function GetColumnInformation(tableName As String, columnName As String) as DataRow
      Dim firstMatchingRow as DataRow = (
        From row In _schema.Rows _
        Where (
          row("TABLE_NAME") = tableName AndAlso row("COLUMN_NAME") = columnName)
      Return firstMatchingRow
    End Function


    Dim columnInformation As DataRow = Dal.GetColumnInformation(tableName, columnName)
    ' find the precision
    Dim precision = columnInformation("NUMERIC_PRECISION")
    Dim scale = columnInformation("NUMERIC_SCALE")
    ' convert the decimal to the column's format
    ' e.g.: 2.345 with a scale of 2 would result in 
    '       2.35
    value = Decimal.Round(value, scale)