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Ember-data get "belongsTo" attr (id) from model without resolving the actual object

I want to get a models attribute (id) "belongsTo" without forcing a server call or resolving the object. I got memberships having a user. The most users are loaded and so I only want to make a server call for some of the users. I updated recently to ember-data 1.13.4 and my old version is't working anymore.


user: DS.belongsTo('user', { async: false }),

Until now I did this to check if a users was already in the store:

if ('user', parseInt(membership._internalModel._data.user)) === null)
      return false;

But with the new Ember-Data update the _data does not include anymore the belongsTo - Ids.

Ends up in this on progress:

Error while processing route: workgroups Assertion Failed: You looked up the 'user' relationship on a 'membership' with id 21 but some of the associated records were not loaded.

I really really appreciate every help on this.



  • Found it. Based on this answer:

    ember-data: How to tell if a model's async: true relationship is loaded without triggering a load?

    I was able to figure it out for ember-data 1.13.4 Solution:

    This is ugly. Any better ideas?

    EDIT: This can be used to extend the DS.Model with a function:

    import DS from 'ember-data';
    export default {
      name: 'model-getid',
      initialize: function() {
          getId: function(key) {
            // TODO(sn): support hasMany as well
            const rel = this._internalModel._relationships.initializedRelationships;
            return rel && rel[key] && rel[key].canonicalState && rel[key];

    now it's possible to us it like this on single relation:
