I am currently doing a project, in which I need to stop the user from taking the snapshot of any Web Page, for which he can use the "Print Scrn" / "Printscreen" key available in any of the normal keyboards.
I have been trying to find its solution, but in vain. If possible, I need to take into account of the "Screengrab" add-on of the Firefox browser, by stopping it also.
Any help is greatly appreciated, and I am using PHP (as server-side language) & jQuery for my project.
You can't disable screen grabbing from the Web browser, it would only be possible by installing additional software on the user's PC.
There are some IRM (Information Rights Management) tools available that do that e.g. by protecting Windows/DirectX API calls and also monitoring video memory such as Oracle IRM or such as Microsoft's IRM technology.
Especially the latter might be of interest as there is also a Rights Management Add-on for Internet Explorer.
But as other already said, any IRM/DRM technology is controversy and you should understand that it most often will limit or annoy your users.