I have created a custom JButton class for representing spaces on a monopoly board. The game is multiplayer so a lot of the information needed to draw the button is held on the server (accessed via RMI).
My problem is that when I mouse over the button it automatically seems to call repaint() (and draws a border). This makes the program very slow as it is having to pull data off the server every time the mouse is over one of the spaces.
I have been trying to find a way to stop this happening but everyone else on the internet seems to be having a problem with getting the button to repaint() rather than stopping it.
Does anyone know of a method I can override or a property I can change to stop this happening?
I would suggest that reconsider your design. I admit that I do no know all of the factors at play, but from your description, I would think that the state of the board does not change very often, so there should be no reason to call to the server with every paint attempt. Instead, were your server to broadcast game events to the client, you would have the state you need locally when the repaint
calls are made.
Also, from your description, it sounds as if you could be calling the server from within your repaint
code, triggered by mouse events. This very well may be done in the EDT. You should not be making server calls in your painting thread, as it will slow the rest of your GUI. Long running calls should be made in a worker thread. Take a look at SwingWorker and concepts around threading in Swing for more details.
Even so, I dont think that messing with the repaint logic would be the best course of action. Providing your button with what it needs to render itself is a better step.