I'm trying to build a simple webpage for our lab engineers so when they are sitting at their station they can open the web page shortcut from their desktop > select which lab they are in > select which kind of support they require > then click submit to open an email with all the selected information inserted > then hit send; which then sends an email request to those in the email list.
Everything works great in Chrome, but most of our engineers use IE by default, when I click the submit button in IE, it opens the email, but the To: and Subject: read "UNDEFINED". I am using IE10.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="silsupport.css">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<h1>SIL Support</h1>
function e_mail(e_add,subject1,body)
<form name="e_form" enctype="text/plain">
<div id="para1">
<p>Please select which lab you are in: </p>
<input name="subj" type="radio" value="Lab_1 Support" />Lab 1<br />
<input name="subj" type="radio" value="Lab_2 Support" />Lab 2<br />
<input name="subj" type="radio" value="Lab_3 Support" />Lab 3<br />
<input name="subj" type="radio" value="Lab_4 Support" />Lab 4<br />
<input name="subj" type="radio" value="Lab_5 Support" />Lab 5<br />
<div id="para2">
<p>Please select which support you require:</p>
<input name="emadd" type="radio" value="re@abc.com" />RE Support<br />
<input name="emadd" type="radio" value="admin@abc.com" />Admin Support<br />
<input name="emadd" type="radio" value="system@abc.com" />System Support<br />
<input name="emadd" type="radio" value="hwsw@abc.com" />H/W & S/W Support<br />
<input name="body" type="hidden" value="I require support now!" />
<input type="button" id="Submit" Value="Submit" onClick="e_mail(this.form.emadd.value,this.form.subj.value,this.form.body.value)" />
You really should have your own code to find the checked radio button:
function findChecked(radios) {
for (var i = 0; i < radios.length && !radios[i].checked; ++i);
return radios[i] && radios[i].value;
That function expects a list, which is what you'll get from the by-name reference to the radio button groups. It looks for the checked button and returns its value.
<input type="button" id="Submit" Value="Submit"
onClick="e_mail(findChecked(this.form.emadd),findChecked(this.form.subj),this.form.body.value)" />