I've written a @component in DS that is supposed to be instantiated and activated in multiple instances. In order to test that I've written a pax exam test where I boot karaf and added scr. Everything works fine, but... it will not instantiate the services until after the test method has run thus gives me no space to do assertions etc.
public final void testing() throws Exception {
props = createProperties(user, pass, host);
cfg = configurationAdmin.
final ServiceTracker tracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext, CouchbaseConnectionProvider.class, null);
CouchbaseConnectionProvider svc = (CouchbaseConnectionProvider) tracker.waitForService(5000);
// It will wait 5s and after testing exits it will create the service
What am I doing wrong here? Since when method exits it will properly create and activate the service with all properties.
I may add that the test method using a thread "ion(3)-" and when DS instantiates uses the thread "84-b6b23468b652)".
Cheers, Mario
Update 3 There where actually two bugs, one on my side and one somewhere else (in felix CM?) since the config where accessable by my interface impl bundle after a while (while container was shutting down) but it should really been bound to the pax test bundle (and of course CM itself) and never been "free:d" when container was shutting down. Where it that bug is I do not know - I'll wrap up a minimalistic mvn project and try the felix cm guys and I'll post the update here.
Update 2 I've filed a bug (https://ops4j1.jira.com/browse/PAXEXAM-725) if someone is interested to follow the progress (if there's a bug ;))
Update 1 This is my configuration in the testclass
package se.crossbreed.foundation.persistence.provider.couchbase;
public class CouchbaseConnectionProviderTests extends CbTestBase {
Here is the configuration in the testclass that will use base class for base options.
public Option[] config() {
List<Option> options = super.baseConfig();
.asList(features(karafStandardRepo, "scr"),
// above bundle is the one I'm trying to test and where
// this test resides in (project wise)
return options.toArray(new Option[] {});
The base configuration is gotten from a base class
protected List<Option> baseConfig() {
return new ArrayList<Option>(
Arrays.asList(new Option[] {
.unpackDirectory(new File("target", "exam"))
.versionAsInProject() }));
The package for the test is
package se.crossbreed.foundation.persistence.provider.couchbase;
And the CouchbaseConnectionProvider is on the same package
package se.crossbreed.foundation.persistence.provider.couchbase;
import se.crossbreed.foundation.persistence.core.CbDbConnectionProvider;
public interface CouchbaseConnectionProvider extends CbDbConnectionProvider {
public final static String SVC_NAME = "couchbase.connection.provider";
The implementation:
package se.crossbreed.foundation.persistence.provider.couchbase.impl;
@Component(immediate = true, name =
CouchbaseConnectionProvider.SVC_NAME, provide = {
CouchbaseConnectionProvider.class, CbDbConnectionProvider.class,
CbService.class }, properties = { "providerType=DOCUMENT" },
configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.require)
public class CouchbaseConnectionProviderImpl implements
CouchbaseConnectionProvider { ... }
Here's the project structure of the Couchbase Provider and the test that I'm failing to get to work (until after the test has run ;).
thanks both of you for your input - I chose to answer this question myself since I had a bug in my code and got help from Christoph.
I quote the answer from him here if there someone else did what I did.
The problem was that I did not set the configuration ownership as anonymous via (pid, null) in createFactoryConfiguration. Instead I used createFactoryConfiguration(pid) then it got bound to the current executing bundle and not the bundle I was testing. As Christoph explained it was possible for me to get the bundle location of the service bundle and set that explicitly.
Cheers, Mario
Here's Christoph Läubrich answer
"Christoph Läubrich added a comment - 13 minutes ago
Okay I think I know what might be the problem now: You are using the createFactoryConfiguration(java.lang.String factoryPid), this means you will create a configuration that is exclusivly bound to your bundle! Thus no other bundle is allowed to access the configuration! Use the createFactoryConfiguration(java.lang.String factoryPid, java.lang.String location) instead with a null argument for the location! This way you create an anonymous configuration that will be bound to the first bundle that fetches this config. Alternativly you can get the location of the target bundle and explicitly pass this as an parameter, but this is often not needed. If this still do not work, we must take a closer look at your configuration, connect to the karaf shell (while stopped at a breakpoint) and get a list of all bundles (bundle:list) and a list of all components (scr:list). Also you should collect detailed information about the probe bundle and the bundle that should provide the service (packages:imports)."