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MVC globalization with different DLLs

I have designed my MVC application in the following way:

-Portal.UI ( hold all the Views and controllers details)
    - App_GlobalResources
        - Global.en-GB.resx
-Portal.Models ( hold all classes and Entity framework DbContext code first)
  - Resources
      - Global.en-GB.resx
-Portal.Services ( used for accessing different internal web services)

client requested to make the application multilingual to support different languages

so I have added the resources files to the Portal.UI and converted the views titles and buttons to use these resources files Also, I added the resources files to the Portal.Models project and used the [Display(Name="Name",typeof(Resources.Global)] for each used property

now how can I tell Project.Models which resource file to use?

I mean if i changed the culture to ar-SA for example in the Portal.UI , it will reflected also to the Portal.Models automatically or I have to write code to achieve this?

any advice would be highly appreciated


  • Resource files selected according to UICulture (and not Culture). Assuming that Portal.Models project is a part of your deployment and is added as reference to your Portal.UI the only thing that you should do is to set a correct UICulture in your Portal.UI.

    Useful link that shows the difference between Culture and UICulture