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Webpack loader aliases?

I have a fairly complicated loader setup for style sheets:

    test: /\.scss$/,
    loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style",
      "css?sourceMap&localIdentName=[path][name]__[local]__[hash:base64:5]!sass?outputStyle=expanded&" +
      "includePaths[]=" + other stuff)

Which works great, but on some requires I want to add the modules option to css-loader, so it'd look like this:


But I can't do this all over the place.

How can I configure this so that I can enable the css-loader modules flag on certain requires while keeping the rest of it the same?

Maybe something like a loader 'alias', e.g. require('./foo.scss!my-scss-with-modules-flag-alias')?

The only solution I can think of is writing a loader that does a syntax transform to inline the loader config into certain require calls... but that's brittle and complicated.


  • resolveLoader.alias will work here. Ie.

    resolveLoader: {
        alias: {
            'with-modules': 'loader definition goes here',

    Using this configuration you can do simply


    at your code.