I am really new to scala. I am trying to access a companion class variable from outside the class. How do I do this if at all possible without creating an instance of the class.
In the following example, I can access INTERNAL_COST_REQUESTS from within the YotascaleCostProcessing class
package com.yotascale
class YotascaleCostProcessing extends YotascaleActorSystem{
//companion object
object YotascaleCostProcessing{
val INTERNAL_COST_REQUESTS = "internal-cost-requests"
val INTERNAL_COST_UPDATES = "internal-cost-updates"
def setupInfrastructure() = {
When I do YotascaleCostProcessing.INTERNAL_COST_UPDATES from another class in another package, I get an error "not found: value YotascaleCostProcessing" even though the import for YotascaleCostProcessing is there. The only way this works is when I do this: new YotascaleCostProcessing().YotascaleCostProcessing.INTERNAL_COST_UPDATES
package com.yotascale.service.cost.setup;
import com.yotascale.YotascaleCostProcessing
class MetadataNotificationConfiguringActor(message:Message) extends UntypedActor {
def configureBucket() = {
val realtimeupdates = QueueService.getQueueURL(YotascaleCostProcessing.INTERNAL_COST_REQUESTS)
You can just type
import test.Foo
object Test extends App {
package test
object Foo {
var counter = 0
Your problem is that your object definition is inside class definition. Object is just singleton class in Scala, so your definition is like
class YotascaleCostProcessing extends YotascaleActorSystem{
class YotascaleCostProcessing$ {
val INTERNAL_COST_REQUESTS = "internal-cost-requests"
val INTERNAL_COST_UPDATES = "internal-cost-updates"
val YotascaleCostProcessing = new YotascaleCostProcessing$()
and you can't access to it without instance of YotascaleCostProcessing