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Javascript function challenge add(1,2) and add(1)(2) both should return 3

A friend of mine challenged me to write a function that works with both of these scenarios

add(2,4)  // 6
add(2)(4) // 6

My instinct was the write an add() function that returns itself but I'm not sure I'm heading in the right direction. This failed.

function add(num1, num2){
    if (num1 && num2){
        return num1 + num2;
    } else {
        return this;


So I started reading up on functions that return other functions or return themselves.

I am going to keep trying, but if someone out there has a slick solution, I'd love to see it!


  • There is an article on Dr.Dobs Journal about "Currying and Partial Functions in JavaScript" which describes exactly this problem.

    One solution found in this article is:

    // a curried add
    // accepts partial list of arguments
    function add(x, y) {
         if (typeof y === "undefined") { // partial
            return function (y) {
                  return x + y;
       // full application
       return x + y;